امروز: شنبه 8 دی 1403
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  • پايان نامه رشته حسابداري با عنوان بررسي عوامل مؤثر بر مطالبات معوق بانك تجارت(در...
  • مقاله مقايسه مرزبان نامه و کليله و دمنه
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  • پاورپوينت تجزيه و تحليل پايانه مسافربري تنکابن
  • کاربرد پردازش تصوير و بينايي ماشين در صنايع غذايي
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  • گزارش کارآموزي رشته روانشناسي صنعتي/سازماني در شرکت مهندسي مواد کاران
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  • پاورپوينت استفاده از روشهاي داده كاوي در تشخيص نفوذ به شبكه هاي كامپيوتري
  • گزارش کارآموزي رشته حسابداري در شرکت نفت
  • پاورپوينت و ارائه مطلب اطلاعات حسابداري

    تاثيرات جنسيت در حقوق كيفري

    چكيده در اين پژوهش تاثيرات جنسيت در حقوق كيفري ايران با مراجعه و ملاحظه قوانين و مقررات اعم از ماهوي و شكلي مورد بررسي قرار گرفت كه مقنن با مد نظر قرار دادن جنسيت زن و مرد،تفاوت و تمايز در برخي موضوعات را اعمال كرده است. در عناوين مجرمانه جرايمي شناسايي گرديده است كه مختص جنس ...

    بحران هويت جنسي

    بحران هويت جنسي

    عنوان تحقيق: بحران هويت جنسي فرمت فايل: word تعداد صفحات: 20 شرح مختصر: در دنياي امروز، دنيايي كه هر روز از سنتها فاصله گرفته و به سوي مدرنيست مي رود، در همه ابعاد زندگي شاهد دگرگوني و تغيير نقش هاي جنس مخالف اين پرسش را در ذهن مي zwnj;آورد كه نقش حقيقي زن و مرد در يك جامعه چيست؟ آيا ...

    دانلود پايان نامه ارشد قالب word با عنوان بررسي رابطه هوش هيجاني و سبكهاي مقابله با استرس و تاثير جنسيت بر اين رابطه ??? ص

    پايان نامه جهت دريافت درجه كارشناسي روانشناسي باليني موضوع بررسي رابطه بين هوش هيجاني و سبكهاي مقابله با استرس و تاثير جنسيت بر اين رابطه چكيده هدف از اين پژوهش بررسي رابطه هوش هيجاني و سبکهاي مقابله با استرس و تأثير جنسيت بر روي آن در دانشجويان مقطع كارشناسي رشته روانشناسي ...

    دانلود پايان نامه آماده در قالب word با عنوان پايان نامه كارشناسي ارشد عوامل موثر در روسپي گري فحشا 227 ص

    چکيده فصل اول- كليات مقدمه 2 بيان مسأله 5 ضرورت و اهميت تحقيق 8 اهداف تحقيق 10 فصل دوم- ادبيات موضوع گفتار يكم- خانواده 12 تعريف خانواده 14 اهميت خانواده 16 گفتار دوم - آسيبهاي خانواده 19 اختلاف خانوادگي 22 خشونت خانوادگي 24 تجاوز جنسي عليه زنان 26 تجاوز جنسي عليه كودكان 29 فقر و انحرافات ...

    بررسي مقايسه اي ويژگي هاي خانوادگي زنان روسپي و زنان غيرروسپي

    بررسي مقايسه اي ويژگي هاي خانوادگي زنان روسپي و زنان غيرروسپي

    عنوان پايان نامه: بررسي مقايسه اي ويژگي هاي خانوادگي زنان روسپي و زنان غيرروسپي فرمت فايل: word تعداد صفحات: 192 شرح مختصر: موضوع اين پايان نامه بررسي مقايسه اي ويژگيهاي خانوادگي زنان روسپي و غير روسپي شهر تهران است . سئوال اصلي پژوهش اين است که : آيا بين زنان روسپي و زنان غير ...

    تفاوت نقش يابي جنسي در دختران و پسران شهرستان پارسيان در سال تحصيلي 93-94

    تفاوت نقش يابي جنسي در دختران و پسران شهرستان پارسيان در سال تحصيلي 93-94

    اين پايان نامه تفاوت نقش يابي جنسي در دختران و پسران شهرستان پارسيان در سال تحصيلي 93-94 شامل فايل به صورت word مي باشد توضيحات محصول تعداد صفحه:84 چکيده تحقيق حاضر به تفاوت نقش يابي جنسي در دختران و پسران ميپردازد. جامعه آماري اين تحقيق دختران و پسران شهرستان پارسيان ...

    نقش رضايت جنسي بر ميزان رضايت زناشويي دانشجويان متاهل

    نقش رضايت جنسي بر ميزان رضايت زناشويي دانشجويان متاهل

    عنوان پايان نامه: نقش رضايت جنسي بر ميزان رضايت زناشويي دانشجويان متاهل دانشگاه پيام نور(همراه با پرسشنامه و کار آماري) پايان نامه جهت اخذ درجه كارشناسي-رشته روانشناسي عمومي فرمت فايل: word تعداد صفحات: شرح مختصر: هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسي تاثير نقش رضايت جنسي بر ميزان رضايت ...

    بررسي موضوعي تغيير جنسيت در فقه و حقوق ايران

    بررسي موضوعي تغيير جنسيت در فقه و حقوق ايران

    عنوان تحقيق: بررسي موضوعي تغيير جنسيت در فقه و حقوق ايران فرمت فايل: word تعداد صفحات: 72 شرح مختصر: امروزه، مسأله laquo;تغيير جنسيت raquo; نه تنها از ديد پزشکي، بلکه به لحاظ مباحث حقوقي حائز اهميت مي باشد. اگرچه در گذشته اين مباحث کم و بيش وجود داشته، ولي اکنون با پيشرفت تکنولوژي و ...

    بررسي مفهومي تغيير جنسيت در فقه و حقوق ايران

    بررسي مفهومي تغيير جنسيت در فقه و حقوق ايران

    عنوان تحقيق: بررسي مفهومي تغيير جنسيت در فقه و حقوق ايران فرمت فايل: word تعداد صفحات: 117 شرح مختصر: امروزه، مسأله laquo;تغيير جنسيت raquo; نه تنها از ديد پزشکي، بلکه به لحاظ مباحث حقوقي حائز اهميت مي باشد. اگرچه در گذشته اين مباحث کم و بيش وجود داشته، ولي اکنون با پيشرفت تکنولوژي و ...

    جنسيت و زيبايي شناسي

    جنسيت و زيبايي شناسي

    عنوان پايان نامه: جنسيت و زيبايي شناسي فرمت فايل: word تعداد صفحات: 246 شرح مختصر: اين رساله شامل ترجمة فصولي از كتاب laquo;جنسيت و زيبايي شناسي raquo; به تأليف كارولين كورس ماير، استاد فلسفه در دانشگاه ايالتي نيويورك و مقدمة مترجم (شيرين شفائي) مي zwnj;باشد. هر فصل از كتاب به بحث در ...

    دانلود پايان نامه ارشد قالب word با عنوان بررسي رابطه هوش هيجاني و سبكهاي مقابله با استرس و تاثير جنسيت بر اين رابطه ??? ص

    پايان نامه جهت دريافت درجه كارشناسي روانشناسي باليني موضوع بررسي رابطه بين هوش هيجاني و سبكهاي مقابله با استرس و تاثير جنسيت بر اين رابطه چكيده هدف از اين پژوهش بررسي رابطه هوش هيجاني و سبکهاي مقابله با استرس و تأثير جنسيت بر روي آن در دانشجويان مقطع كارشناسي رشته روانشناسي ...

    بررسي تفاوت هاي جنسي در اضطراب اجتماعي نوجوانان

    بررسي تفاوت هاي جنسي در اضطراب اجتماعي نوجوانان

    عنوان تحقيق: بررسي تفاوت هاي جنسي در اضطراب اجتماعي نوجوانان فرمت فايل: word تعداد صفحات: 87 شرح مختصر: اضطراب اجتماعي اضطرابي است كه خصوصاً هنگام برخوردهاي اجتماعي متقابل افراد با يكديگر بوجود مي zwnj;آيد افرادي كه از اضطراب اجتماعي رنج مي zwnj;برند با افزايش مسائل رواني، ...

  • Networking Basics (لاتین كامل)

    Networking Basics (لاتین كامل) دسته: علوم انسانی
    بازدید: 83 بار
    فرمت فایل: doc
    حجم فایل: 10 کیلوبایت
    تعداد صفحات فایل: 20

    مقاله ای در مورد Networking Basics (لاتین كامل) در 20 صفحه ورد قابل ویرایش

    قیمت فایل فقط 4,500 تومان


    مقاله ای در مورد Networking Basics (لاتین كامل) در 20 صفحه ورد قابل ویرایش

    This lesson introduces the basic building blocks of network communications and some of the structures used to construct data networks. There are many different kinds of data networks- from enterprise networks used by large corporations to a simple two- node local area network (LAN) used in a private home. However , many of the same of the same principles apply to all networks, regardless of size or complexity.

    After this lesson , you will be able to

    • List the services provided by network protocols.
    • Describe how protocols enable networked computers to communicate
    • Distinguish a LAN from a wide area network (WAN)
    • Understand the difference between baseband and broadband networks
    • Identify and distinguish the characteristics of a packet- switched network and a circuit- switched network
    • Understand full- duplex and half- duplex communications
    • Describe the basic segment and backbone design of an enterprise network
    • Distinguish a server- based network from a peer- to- peer network

    Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes

    When you connect two or more computers so they can communicate with each other, you create a date network. This is true whether you connect the computers using a cable , a wireless technology such as infrared or radio waves , or even modems and telephone line. The technology that connects the computers together , no matter what form it tacks, is called the network medium , and for this reason the term network cable is often used to refer to any kind of network medium.

    Signals and Protocols

    Computers can communicate over a network in many ways and for many reasons , but a great deal that goes on in the networking process is unconcerned with the nature of the data passing over the network medium. By the time the data generated by the transmitting computer reaches the cable or other medium, it has been reduced to signals that are native to that medium. These might be electrical voltages for a copper cable network, pulses of light for fiber optic , or infrared or radio waves. These signals form a code that the network interface in each receiving computer converts back into the binary data understood by the software running on that computer. The computer then interprets the binary code into information it can use in a variety of ways. Of course there is a great deal more to this process than this description indicates , and there is a lot going on to make it possible for the e- mail you just sent to your mother to get reduced to electrical voltages , transmitted halfway across the country , and then reconstituted into text on her computer.

    In some cases , a network consists of identical computers running the same version of the same operating system and using all the same applications , whereas other networks consist of many different computing platforms running entirely different software. It might seem that it would be easier for the identical computers to communicate than it would be easier for the different ones, and in some ways it is. But no matter what kind of computers the network uses and what software the computers are running , they most have a common language to understand each other. These common languages are called protocols, and computers use many of them during even the simplest exchanges of network data. Just as two people must speak a common language to communicate , two computers must have one or more protocols in common to exchange data.

    A network protocol can be relatively simple or highly complex. In some cases , a protocol is simply a code  - such as a pattern of electrical voltage - that defines the binary value of a bit of data: 0 or 1. The concept is the same as that of Morse code, in which a pattern of dots and dashes represents a latter of the alphabet.

    More complicated networking protocols can provide a variety of services , including the following:

    • Packet acknowledgment. This is the transmission of a return message by the recipient to verify the receipt of a packet or packets. A packet is the fundamental unit of data transmitted over a LAN.
    • Segmentation. This is the division of a lengthy data stream into segments sufficiently small for transmission over the network inside packets.
    • Flow control. This is the generation by a receiving system of messages that instruct the sending system to speed up or slow down its rate of transmission.
    • Error detection. This is the inclusion of special codes in a packet that the receiving system uses to verify that the content of the packet wasn't damaged in transit.
    • Error correction. This is the generation by a receiving system of messages that informs the sender that specific packets were damaged and must be retransmitted.
    • Data compression. This is a mechanism for reducing the amount of data transmitted over a network by eliminating redundant information.
    • Data encryption. This is a mechanism for protecting the data transmitted over a network by encrypting it using a key already known by the receiving system.

    In most cases , protocols are based on public standards developed by an independent committee, not a single manufacturer or developer. These public standards ensure that different types of systems can use them without incurring any obligation to a particular company. There are still a few protocols , however , that are proprietary , having been developed by a single company and never released into the public domain.

    One of the most important things to remember about networking is that every computer on a network uses many different protocols during the communications process. The functions provided by the various protocols are divided into the layers that make up the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model , described in Lesson 2 , later in this chapter. You might see references to Ethernet networks in books and articles , for example. Ethernet is a protocol running on those networks , but it is not the only protocol running on them. Ethernet is, however , the only protocol running at one particular layer (called the data- link layer). Some layers , however , can have multiple protocols running on them simultaneously.

    Local Area Network and Wide Area Network

    A LAN is a group of computers located in a relatively small area and connected by a common medium. Each of the computer and other communicating devices on the LAN is called a node. A LAN is characterized by three primary attributes: its topology , its medium , and its protocols. The topology is the pattern used to connect the computers together. With a bus topology , a network cable connects each computer to the next one, forming a china. With a star topology , each of the computers is connected to a central nexus called a hub or switch. A ring topology is essentially a bus network with the two ends joined together. You will learn more about network topologies in Chapter 2, "Network Hardware."

    The network medium, as defined earlier , is the actual physical connection between the networked computers. The topology and the medium used on a particular network are specified by the protocol operating at the data- link layer of the OSI model , such as Ethernet or Token Ring. Ethernet , for example , supports several different topologies and media. When you select one combination of topology and medium for a LAN , such as unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable in a star topology , you must (in most cases) use the same topology and medium for all of the computers on that LAN. There are some hardware products that enable you connect computers to the same LAN with different media, but this is only true for closely related technologies. You can't connect a bus Ethernet computer to a star Ethernet computer and have both systems be part of the same LAN.

    In the same way, all of the computers on a LAN must share common protocols. You can't connect an Ethernet computer to Token Ring computer on the same LAN, for example. The same is true for the protocols operating at the other layers of the OSI model. If the systems on the LAN don't have common protocols at every layer of the stack, communication among them is not possible.

    In most cases , a LAN is confined to a room , a floor , or perhaps a building. To expand the network beyond these limits, you can connect multiple LANs together using devices called routers. This forms an internetwork , which is essentially a network of networks. A computer on one LAN can communicate with the systems on another LAN because they are all interconnected. By connecting LANs in this way, you can build an internetwork as large as you need.

    Many sources use the term network when describing a LAN , but just as many use the same term when referring to an internetwork.

    قیمت فایل فقط 4,500 تومان


    برچسب ها : تحقیق ای در مورد Networking Basics (لاتین كامل) , پروژه ای در مورد Networking Basics (لاتین كامل) , مقاله ای در مورد Networking Basics (لاتین كامل) , دانلود تحقیق ای در مورد Networking Basics (لاتین كامل) , Networking Basics , لاتین كامل

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